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Gerald Lyn Early

As a Guest

23 segments

Why Booker T. Washington is Still Controversial.

Commentator Gerald Early reflects on the legacy of Booker T. Washington, who among other things, founded the Tuskegee Institute. Today is the 100th anniversary of a speech given by Washington at the Atlanta Exposition, which celebrated a "new" industrialized, post-reconstruction South.


Tensions Between Genders in the Black Community.

Mike Tyson returns to the ring Saturday night after a four year absence. Three of those years were spent in jail on a rape conviction. .Tyson continues to deny the charge. Commentator Gerald Early says that Tyson's release from prison sparked new questions about an old debate in the black community: tensions between the genders. Gerald Early teaches English at Washington University where he directs the program on African and Afro-American studies. He's the author of The Culture of Bruising: Essays on Prize fighting, Literature and Modern American Culture.


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