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Owen Gleiberman

As a Guest

41 segments

A Rock 'Em, Sock 'Em Robot.

Commentator Owen Gleiberman (GLY-ber-man) reviews "Bloodsport," a 1987 martial arts film which has just been released on video. The film stars Jean Claude Van Damme, the successor to martial arts film star Bruce Lee. His current film, "Kickboxer," is currently being shown in theaters, but "Bloodsport" is the film that introduced Van Damme to martial arts audiences.


A Flaky Masterpiece.

Guest film critic Owen Gleiberman reviews the home video release of "Naked Gun," the police farce produced and directed by the makers of "Airplane." "Naked Gun," which premiered on movie screens early last spring, was based on the six-episode TV program "Police Squad," which recently aired on cable TV.

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