Gene London is known to Philadelphians as the host of the long-running children's program "Cartoon Corners General Store." London is also an expert on animation and the only person authorized to speak on behalf of Disney animation. His current passion is costume collecting and costume design. He focuses particularly on Hollywood costumes which is the focus of a lecture and film series London is hosting at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. He joins the show to share some of the stories related about the film "The Wizard of Oz" at the latest lecture in the series.
Gene London is known to Philadelphians as the host of the long-running children's program "Cartoon Corners General Store." London is also an expert on animation and the only person authorized to speak on behalf of Disney animation. His current passion is costume collecting and costume design. He focuses particularly on Hollywood costumes which is the focus of a lecture and film series London will host at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. (INTERVIEW BY DANNY MILLER).