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New Age Music for Heavy Metal Fans

Rhys Chatham is a classically-trained, minimalist composer who incorporates rock influences into his music. He joins Fresh Air to talk about his choice of instrumentation, and the evolution of his work over the years.


The History of the Northwest Sound

Rock historian Ed Ward says that 1960s bands from Oregon and Washington are often overlooked. Their style was distinctive, featuring distorted guitars and raw, sneered vocals -- a sound that endures today.


The Rocking Music of Mardi Gras

Rock historian Ed Ward says the city has long celebrated the holiday with rock music, some of which incorporated Black Indian traditions and style.


Time Again for the Tucker Top Five

Rock critic Ken Tucker once more looks at the best and worst songs currently hitting the airwaves. Represented artists include Matthew Sweet, Bunny Wailer, Violent Femmes, Tone Loc, and Emmylou Harris.


Rock Duo They Might Be Giants

New York-based John Flansburgh and John Linnell write quirky rock songs on guitar and accordion. For the past four years, they've maintained their dial-a-song service, wherein fans can call a number to hear new music from the band. Their new album is called Lincoln.


A White Impresario Promotes Black Blues Artists

Johnny Otis, who was born to Greek parents, claimed he became black by immersing himself in African American communities and culture. He later opened a blues club in Los Angeles, and helped promote new talent in the scene. Rock historian Ed Ward tells his story.


The Origin of Mod Culture

Rock historian Ed Ward says the 1960s Mod movement started in working-class London, and was rooted more in fashion than rock music. But the amphetimine-fueled subculture was short-lived, and many Mods became hippies. The re-emergence of Mods in the 1970s didn't last long, either.


The Birth of Pub Rock

Rock historian Ed Ward remembers pub rock, a British style of music from the 1970s that resurrected the spirit of early rock and roll. He says the unpretentious approach paved the way for punk rock.


Rock Musician and Composer Frank Zappa

Zappa's avant-garde band, the Mothers of Invention, failed to get much airplay, in part because of their explicit lyrics. Zappa now divides his time between studio composition and live performance. He is politically active, and has fought against censorship and encouraged his fans to register to vote.


Sonic Youth Bassist and Singer Kim Gordon

Gordon's band, founded in 1981, recently released the critically-acclaimed double album Daydream Nation. Gordon joins Fresh Air to discuss her experience as a woman rock musician in a male-dominated scene, playing concerts, and her desire for a larger audience.


A Cult Band Poised for a Mass Audience

Rock critic Ken Tucker is only now fully absorbing Sonic Youth's 1988 album Daydream Nation. The band makes use of alternate guitar tunings, and takes its lyrical cues from sci-fi writers like Philip K. Dick. Tucker says that, while the record may be band's most accessible to date, no one could accuse Sonic Youth of playing standard rock and roll.


The Best Music of 1988

Rock critic Ken Tucker talks with Fresh Air host Terry Gross about the year in music. He says 1988 had an eclectic array of hits, with folk and hard rock albums both reaching the top of the charts.


A Review of Three New Soundtrack Albums

Rock critic Ken Tucker says that sales of movie soundtracks have become inextricably tied to the films they come from. He takes a look at three recent CDs featuring songs from Twins, Beaches, and I'm Gonna Git You Sucka.


Rock's History of Holiday Music

Rock historian Ed Ward says that, despite their rebellious spirit, rock musicians have long been recording Christmas songs. He emembers some classic and oddball examples.


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